Sunday, December 25, 2005

since it's the festive season,
i shall tella joke i saw on yu le bai fen bai!

okay. here it goes.
luie dou(green bean) fall down become what?
ans. hong dou(red bean). cos it bleeds.

hong dou(red bean) fall down become what?
ans. puah dou.(fall down)

LOL! :)
hahaha. funny right?

okay. thank you for your time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

i've got a new blog,
hope you guys can link me! :)

Friday, December 09, 2005

ham's away in a foreign country right now.
but she'll be back.
i think.
she'll come back right? right?

someone please ask her to return back to singapura!
a certain mr lee, i hope.